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Produkt zum Begriff Science:

  • Forensic Science
    Forensic Science

    Build a strong foundation on the principles and procedures of modern forensic science. Forensic Science, 4th edition, Global Edition, by Andrew Jackson, Julie Jackson, Harry Mountain, and Daniel Brearley, is a perfect introductory guide for newcomers to the field. Its learner-friendly text guides you through the entire process of conducting forensic science. The book carefully examines each part of the process, teaching you the proper procedure for gathering evidence from a crime scene, how to examine and evaluate that evidence, and the presentation of scientific findings in court. Scientifically rigorous, the text remains engaging, written in a friendly style to ensure you can grasp the points at hand. This new edition incorporates revised text and information reflecting the latest knowledge in the field, as well as additional worked examples and review boxes. Approachable and comprehensive, this book serves as an ideal companion for undergraduate students beginning a forensic science course, as background for MSc students, as a reference for related professions, or for those with a casual interest in forensics.

    Preis: 81.32 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Motivation Science
    Motivation Science

    For courses in MotivationAn engaging approach that makes motivation science accessible and relevantRevel Motivation Science presents classic and contemporary approaches to the study of motivation in a way that is fun, dynamic, and relevant to students’ lives. Combining insights from psychology, education, health, business, and sports, authors Edward and Melissa Burkley emphasize the influences of cognitive, emotional, social, and biological processes upon motivation. Using simple, engaging language, real-world examples, and compelling pedagogical features, the text helps students see how they can apply concepts from the field to achieve their own life goals.NOTE: This ISBN is for a Pearson Books a la Carte edition: a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf text. In addition to the flexibility offered by this format, Books a la Carte editions offer students great value, as they cost significantly less than a bound textbook.Motivation Science is also available via Revel™, an interactive learning environment that enables students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience.

    Preis: 111.27 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Football Science & Coaching
    Football Science & Coaching

    Football Science & Coaching , In recent decades, the sporting landscape has seen many changes, notably the inclusion and professionalization of sport science and coaching. With this change has come significant demand for applied research surrounding football science and performance coaching, leading to new theory and methodology across all aspects of the game. This book brings together the most fundamental components of football science and performance coaching through modern, integrated coaching science methods implemented by leading practitioners and researchers. The expertise included in this book provides a unique blend of modern, football-specific research trends with innovative coaching theory, implemented at an elite level, and will ultimately enhance the knowledge of coaches and medical and performance specialists, all while advocating an applied alternative to the development of players. The book is divided into three main sections: prepare, perform, recover. With each section, leaders in the fields of applied sport science, sport and exercise science, sport psychology, sport nutrition, and strength and conditioning outline the best coaching and training methods, making this book a must-have for coaches and trainers seeking to augment their own understanding of what is required to enhance player development. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 34.95 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Science Hotel Premium
    Science Hotel Premium

    Preis: 46 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einem Bachelor of Science und einem Bachelor of Applied Science?

    Ein Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) ist ein akademischer Abschluss, der sich auf theoretische Kenntnisse und wissenschaftliche Grundlagen konzentriert. Ein Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.) hingegen ist ein praxisorientierter Abschluss, der sich auf die Anwendung von wissenschaftlichen Prinzipien in der realen Welt konzentriert. Ein B.A.Sc. kann daher mehr praktische Erfahrung und berufliche Anwendbarkeit bieten, während ein B.Sc. eher auf eine weiterführende akademische Laufbahn vorbereitet.

  • Welche Science-Fiction-Filme könnt ihr empfehlen?

    Einige Science-Fiction-Filme, die ich empfehlen kann, sind "Blade Runner" (1982), "Interstellar" (2014), "The Matrix" (1999) und "Inception" (2010). Diese Filme bieten fesselnde Geschichten, beeindruckende visuelle Effekte und interessante Konzepte, die zum Nachdenken anregen.

  • Welche guten modernen Science-Fiction-Bücher gibt es?

    Es gibt viele gute moderne Science-Fiction-Bücher, aber einige beliebte Titel sind "Der Marsianer" von Andy Weir, "Die drei Sonnen" von Cixin Liu, "Ready Player One" von Ernest Cline und "Der Circle" von Dave Eggers. Diese Bücher bieten spannende Geschichten und interessante Einblicke in die Zukunft und Technologie.

  • Was ist die Internationale Junior Science Olympiade?

    Die Internationale Junior Science Olympiade (IJSO) ist ein internationaler Wettbewerb für Schülerinnen und Schüler im Alter von 15 Jahren und jünger, der ihr Wissen in den Naturwissenschaften unter Beweis stellt. Die Teilnehmer treten in den Fächern Biologie, Chemie und Physik gegeneinander an und lösen komplexe Aufgaben und Experimente. Die IJSO fördert den interkulturellen Austausch und die Zusammenarbeit zwischen jungen Talenten aus verschiedenen Ländern.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Science:

  • Beckmann Trinkflasche Science
    Beckmann Trinkflasche Science

    Beckmann Trinkflasche Science

    Preis: 9.95 € | Versand*: 4.95 €
  • Conceptual Integrated Science
    Conceptual Integrated Science

    This best-selling introduction to the physical and life sciences emphasises concepts over computation and treats equations as a guide to thinking so the reader can connect ideas. Conceptual Integrated Science covers physics, chemistry, earth science, astronomy, and biology at a level appropriate for non-science students. The conceptual approach relates science to everyday life, is personal and direct, de-emphasises jargon, and emphasises central ideas. The conceptual ideas serve as the foundation supporting and integrating all the sciences.   The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Data Science Bookcamp
    Data Science Bookcamp

    Learn data science with Python by building five real-world projects! In Data Science Bookcamp you’ll test and build your knowledge of Python and learn to handle the kind of open-ended problems that professional data scientists work on daily. Downloadable data sets and thoroughly-explained solutions help you lock in what you’ve learned, building your confidence and making you ready for an exciting new data science career.about the technologyIn real-world practice, data scientists create innovative solutions to novel open ended problems. Easy to learn and use, the Python language has become the de facto language for data science amongst researchers, developers, and business users. But knowing a few basic algorithms is not enough to tackle a vague and thorny problem. It takes relentless practice at cracking difficult data tasks to achieve mastery in the field. That’s just what this book delivers.about the bookData Science Bookcamp is a comprehensive set of challenging projects carefully designed to grow your data science skills from novice to master. Veteran data scientist Leonard Apeltsin sets five increasingly difficult exercises that test your abilities against the kind of problems you’d encounter in the real world. As you solve each challenge, you’ll acquire and expand the data science and Python skills you’ll use as a professional data scientist. Ranging from text processing to machine learning, each project comes complete with a unique downloadable data set and a fully-explained step-by-step solution. Because these projects come from Dr. Apeltsin’s vast experience, each solution highlights the most likely failure points along with practical advice for getting past unexpected pitfalls. When you wrap up these five awesome exercises, you’ll have a diverse relevant skill set that’s transferable to working in industry. what's insideFive in-depth Python exercises with full downloadable data setsWeb scraping for text and imagesOrganise datasets with clustering algorithmsVisualize complex multi-variable datasetsTrain a decision tree machine learning algorithmabout the readerFor readers who know the basics of Python. No prior data science or machine learning skills required.about the authorLeonard Apeltsin is a senior data scientist and engineering lead at Primer AI, a startup that specializes in using advanced Natural Language Processing techniques to extract insight from terabytes of unstructured text data. His PhD research focused on bioinformatics that required analyzing millions of sequenced DNA patterns to uncover genetic links in deadly diseases.

    Preis: 58.84 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Anderson, Rob: Gay Science
    Anderson, Rob: Gay Science

    Gay Science , "Class is in session, babe! Discover the inner workings of the LGBTQ+ community with this humorous and informative book. Author and comedian Rob Anderson borrows the familiar science textbook format to skewer ridiculous queer stereotypes with his own version of science. Using the principles of natural, social, and formal sciences, Rob answers extremely serious questions like: Why can't gays sit in a chair properly? Why don't lesbians have electricity in their movies? Are colleges turning people bisexual? How does gaydar work? Will bottoms survive the apocalypse? You'll read about the three subtypes of the gay uncle species, examine the Periodic Table of LGBTQ+ Elements, understand gay crime and punishment, and get educated on the types of bacteria and viruses that exclusively affect the LGBTQs, like the state of Florida."-- , >

    Preis: 20.11 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Welche Science-Fiction-Trickfilme gibt es für Erwachsene?

    Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Science-Fiction-Trickfilmen für Erwachsene. Einige Beispiele sind "Ghost in the Shell" (1995), "Akira" (1988) und "A Scanner Darkly" (2006). Diese Filme behandeln komplexe Themen wie Künstliche Intelligenz, dystopische Gesellschaften und die Auswirkungen von Technologie auf die Menschheit.

  • Was sind typische Merkmale des Science-Fiction-Genres?

    Typische Merkmale des Science-Fiction-Genres sind futuristische Technologien, außerirdische Lebensformen und alternative Realitäten. Oftmals werden gesellschaftliche oder ethische Fragen aufgeworfen und die Handlung spielt in der Zukunft oder auf anderen Planeten. Science-Fiction zeichnet sich durch eine Mischung aus wissenschaftlichen Elementen und spekulativen Ideen aus.

  • Was ist ein Maler der Science-Fiction-Kunst?

    Ein Maler der Science-Fiction-Kunst ist ein Künstler, der sich auf die Darstellung von futuristischen und technologischen Themen spezialisiert hat. Diese Künstler verwenden oft leuchtende Farben, surreale Elemente und fantastische Landschaften, um eine visionäre Welt zu schaffen. Ihre Werke können sowohl dystopische als auch utopische Szenarien darstellen und dienen oft dazu, die Vorstellungskraft anzuregen und über die Möglichkeiten der Zukunft nachzudenken.

  • Wie können Links dazu beitragen, die Navigation auf einer Website zu verbessern und den Benutzern den Zugriff auf relevante Inhalte zu erleichtern?

    Links können die Navigation auf einer Website verbessern, indem sie den Benutzern ermöglichen, schnell und einfach zwischen verschiedenen Seiten zu wechseln. Durch sinnvoll platzierte Links können Benutzer relevante Inhalte schneller finden und sich besser auf der Website zurechtfinden. Außerdem können Links dazu beitragen, die interne Verlinkung zu verbessern und die Suchmaschinenoptimierung zu unterstützen.

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